I am seeking original Three Investigators artwork
by Ed Vebell, Jack Hearne, Robert Adragna
and other T3I artists for my personal collection.
I am willing to purchase outright or I have several
original Harry Kane T3I covers available for trade.
Click on the names to find interviews, photos, articles and lots more information about each of these individuals. You won't be disappointed!

Robert Arthur - The creator of the series and author of titles #1 - 9 and #11. You'll find lots of information and pictures here that you can't find elsewhere on-line. Keep checking back, there will be a lot of growth to the Robert Arthur section of the site in the coming months!
William Arden (Dennis Lynds) - Hand-picked by Robert Arthur to carry on with the series, he contributed thirteen titles to the original Three Investigators series and one title to the Crimebusters series.
Nick West (Kin Platt) - Author of two Three Investigators titles, #14 "Coughing Dragon" and #16 "Nervous Lion".
M.V. Carey (Mary Virginia Carey) - Author of 15 Three Investigators titles in the original series and one title from the Three Investigators Find-Your-Fate series.
Marc Brandel (Marcus Beresford) - Author of three titles in the original Three Investigators series and one title in the Crimebusters series.
G.H. Stone (Gayle Lynds) - Author of three titles in the Crimebusters series. Click HERE to go to the very informative 1996 Morley interview with Gayle. Click HERE to visit Gayle's website.
William McCay - Author of Crimebusters #4 "Funny Business" and #8 "Shoot the Works". This link will take you to the 2002 Interview with Bill McCay by Seth T. Smolinske.
Peter Lerangis - Author of Crimebusters #9 "Foul Play". This link will take you to the 2002 Interview with Peter by Mark Zahn.
Harry Kane - Cover artist for Random House hardbound trade edition titles #3 - #16. He also provided the internal illustrations for #'s 1 - 16 and created the iconic blue graveyard endpapers. In the late 1970's he re-created his original cover art for Scholastic's edition of "Moaning Cave."
Ed Vebell - Cover artist for Random House trade edition titles #1, 2, 17 (he also drew the internal illustrations for this one), 18, and 19. Cover artist for the Windward paperback editions of "Terror Castle" and "Stuttering Parrot".
Jack Hearne - Cover artist for Random House trade edition titles #20 - #27. He provided the internal illustrations for titles #18 - #27.
Herb Mott - Provided the cover art and internal illustrations for Random House trade edition #28, the last book in the series to utilize internal illustrations.
Stephen Marchesi - 1978 paperback cover artist. Click HERE to go to the Seth Smolinske 2001 interview with Stephen. Click HERE to view the original Marchesi Three Investigators 1978 artwork contained in the Smolinske Three Investigators collection.
Robert J. Adragna - Hired in 1979, Adragna created cover art for all of the new titles being published (#29 - #43). He also painted updated cover art for the first 28 titles in the series. Much mystery surrounded Mr. Adragna before he was rediscovered by T3I fans in late 2009.
Roger K. Loveless - Painted the covers for seven of the twelve titles published in the Knopf Bullseye Books paperback edition published in 1991 and 1992.
Dominic Finelle - Painted the covers for five of the twelve titles published in the Knopf Bullseye Books paperback edition published in 1991 and 1992.
Hector Garrido - Cover artist for all 11 titles in "The 3 Investigators Crimebusters" series, 1989 and 1990.
Bill Dodge - Painted the covers for titles #1 - 11 and the unpublished #12 for the final Random House publication of this series in 1998.
Walter Retan - The original editor for the series who worked with Robert Arthur on the first nine Three Investigators titles and with Dennis Lynds on titles #10 and 12. Mr. Retan passed away in 1998.
Eugenia Fanelli (1941 - 8/18/2013) - First worked with Robert Arthur on #11 Talking Skull and then continued with the series from #13 to the end.
Lee Wright - Editor who worked with Robert Arthur on the adult and juvenile Alfred Hitchcock anthologies. She had worked with Alfred Hitchcock since at least 1941 and was the link between Random House and Hitchcock's legal agents.
Jackie Corner/Mabli - Random House book designer from 1966 - 1970, she designed seven of the first twelve Three Investigators hardbound books. Here she recounts the book designing process and some of her many memories of people and events at Random House.
Dr. M. Jerry Weiss - His name is listed as the educational consultant for Borzoi Sprinters on the copyright page of the first nine Crimebusters titles. He most likely helped to develop the "bible" used for the Crimebusters series. Click on the link to learn more about Mr. Weiss' background.