January/February 2025 - Major updates made throughout the site.
August 5, 2009 - New milestone: 200,000 hits to the site as of 5:47AM today.
***Wow, I didn't realize how long it's been since I've "updated" this update page! Obviously, there have been lots of updates and changes to this site since 2006.
February 2006 - Whew! Lots of minor updates throughout the site all month: movie news, the Robert Arthur and Harry Kane pages, Mark Zahn's stories, new discoveries, etc...
September 15, 2005 - New Discovery! Harry Kane's preliminary cover art for "The Secret of the Crooked Cat" accompanied by a letter signed by Alfred Hitchcock giving his approval.
August 31, 2005 - Mark Zahn has revived Robert Arthur's "The Mysterious Traveler Magazine".
August 19, 2005 - The last surviving author of the original Three Investigators series, Dennis Lynds (William Arden), dies at age 81. Obituary posted on his web site.
July 3, 2005 - A long-awaited addition to the collection: A Three Investigators book signed by the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock!
March 26, 2005 - New page on Ed Vebell with some memories shared by his Jupiter Jones model for the cover of "Singing Serpent." Some new Three Investigators fan artwork.
January 15, 2005 - Added four books with descriptions to the Harry Kane Cover Art page.
November 9, 2004 - New page on William Arden (Dennis Lynds) and a great vintage letter from Eugenia Fanelli to a fan/author in England.
October 18, 2004 - Three NEW pages on Harry Kane, his artwork and the discovery of his original Three Investigators art. PLUS a re-vamped page on the endpapers featuring the never-before-seen RED concept painting and the intermediate art!
October 3, 2004 - New page celebrating the 40th Anniversary of The Three Investigators!
August 14, 2004 - It's been in the can for well over a year but finally here is one more of the several pages on the life of Robert Arthur: this one features his work in radio. You'll find some words by and a photo of his partner in radio, David Kogan. You'll also find a brief overview of the several shows in which he had an ownership with an emphasis on "The Mysterious Traveler."
June 25, 2004 - Updated the 43 Original Series pages by adding ISBN's to all of the U.S. editions.
March 20, 2004 - Uploaded the first of several pages to come on Harry Kane and his Three Investigators artwork. View the original 1964 rough sketches with editor's notations for Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot!
January 28, 2004 - Just learned of the 2003 death of Kin Platt (Nick West), author of Three Investigators books #14 "Coughing Dragon" and #16 "Nervous Lion".
December 26, 2003 - An interview with the German Three Investigators Movie Producer - Ronald Kruschak.
December 6, 2003 - Now partnering with Germany's Rocky-Beach.com, added a banner to the home page and links page. Uploaded Mark Zahn's short story, "Christmas In Rocky Beach". Posted the announcement concerning the sale of the film/tv rights to Studio Hamburg.
November 15, 2003 - Created a new page with Vintage Letters written by Three Investigators authors and Random House employees in response to fan mail.
October 11, 2003 - Added some additional information about Marc Brandel.
September 27, 2003 - "Create the Gate" Contest results posted!
November 17, 2002 - Added a new page: MORE Three Investigators Fan Fiction. We've started off with 3 short stories and would like to add more soon. Give it a try, your work will be read by fans from around the world.
October 18, 2002 - Now listing HUNDREDS of 3I Books For Sale in time for the holiday rush with even more on the way! Don't see what you want/need? Just email me.
- New link added to The Mad Scientists' Club website hosted by Bertrand Brinley's son, Sheridan. The books are back in print and available to order now!
- New link added to the 2002 Interview with Dennis Lynds by the German rocky-beach.com team (in English). Lots of great new information and opinions!
August 5, 2002 - The 'main menu' page is incorporated into the HOME page now. Lots of little updates and some cosmetic changes throughout the site which will continue.
July 14, 2002 - Added a scan of a very scarce Three Investigators poster!
June 1, 2002 - Some great enhancements have been made to the page featuring Mark Zahn's Three Investigators artwork - check it out! Also added some biograpical information about M. Jerry Weiss, the consultant named on the copyright page of the 3I Crimebusters series.
May 8, 2002 - Added new info and a photo to the Nick West (Kin Platt) page.
April 29, 2002 - Added an "interview" with 1966-1970 hardbound 3I book designer, Jackie Corner-Mabli! Here she recounts the book designing process and first-hand memories of working inside Random House.
April 4, 2002 - More information on M.V. Carey and a photo!
March 23, 2002 - Added some biographical information for 3I author Marc Brandel.
March 17, 2002 - NEW PAGE! Author and Artist Interviews and Bio's! This is where you'll now find "NEW" information on authors like M.V. Carey and Nick West (Kin Platt) and this is where you'll find the classic Morley interviews with Dennis and Gayle Lynds along with the Stephen Marchesi Interview and Peter Lerangis Interview. Look for a lot more new information appearing there in the near future!
March 16, 2002 - Mark Zahn's latest 3I story "Bronze Claw" has been moved to the Fan Art and Writing page where it can be downloaded for your enjoyment. Look for his first two 3I stories ("The 3 Imposters" and "Hitchcock Inheritance") to be included there for easy downloading in the coming months!
January 14, 2002 - The Peter Lerangis Crimebusters Interview is now available - enjoy! CLICK HERE
November 4, 2001 - Added some scans of signatures of German author Andre Marx and German artist Aiga Rasch, a scan and some info on the new boxed German trilogy, and I added a scan of a mint condition, still sealed, U.S. Boxed Set #1 from 1978!
October 20 - 21, 2001 - Lots of updates and additions to the "Original Series" section of the site this weekend. I'm working to finally complete this section in the next two weeks. Also lots of German editions added to the sales page.
August 25, 2001 - Added an internal pic and some text from the soon-to-be-released "The 3I and the Adventure of the Bronze Claw".
July 20 - 22, 2001 - Lots of updates and new info throughout the site. Some incredible NEW art from Mark Zahn has been uploaded - stay tuned for some surprises in the coming months! Updates to: Rare and Unusual Items, Mystery Puzzles, Autographed Books, and the Sales pages.
June 24, 2001 - Update to the Bullseye Edition page.
June 3, 2001 - New information on the very earliest printings of Stuttering Parrot has been added. Go to ORIGINAL SERIES and click on Stuttering Parrot.
April 28, 2001 - Lots of new LINKS added, SALE page update.
April 1, 2001 - Revamped the BUY, SELL, TRADE page.
March 8, 2001 - Book of Mystery Puzzles and Sales page updates.
Week of February 25, 2001 - Updates to Original Series page (finally) and updates to the Sales page.
OCTOBER 2000 - Various updates throughout the month correcting typos and other text errors also added some new scans throughout the site.
OCTOBER 29, 2000 - Added new section featuring fan art and writing.
NOVEMBER 4, 2000 - Update to the ORIGINAL SERIES page.
NOVEMBER 10, 2000 - Numerous internal link changes, update to ORIGINAL SERIES page, several new scans added.
NOVEMBER 26, 2000 - More scans added, some re-writing of text, and a new page - HELP SAVE THE 3I - is added.
December 16, 2000 - Some new links (including a page of links in the Fan Art and Stories section) and minor info updates. Also listed some books for sale.
December 31, 2000 - Lots of great new info posted in the Scholastic
books section. Check it out! And I've added a number of books to the sales list.
January 15, 2001 - Latest update to sales list and added some artwork by Mark Zahn - he promises more soon!
February 2, 2001 - Update to sales list and Mystery Puzzles page.
February 18, 2001 - Update to sales list and added a section with German editions for sale.